“Creativity takes courage.” Henri Matisse

Learning about artists enables us to make up our own minds about art we like. Whether it’s Monet or Pollock, children see techniques and styles, deciding how they like to paint, sketch or draw for themselves.

In Key stage Two, the children have learnt clay skills and techniques. Here is a small video on how to make a coil point linked to our Anglo Saxon topic work.

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works!” Steve Jobs

Understanding how something works is pivotal to learning during a Design and Technology lesson. Children build on different skills, from making puppets, to Roman catapults and water wheels. Research, design and evaluation are key to our successes as designers.

Nightingale class created Night Lights using their science skills of electricity and DT skills.

Intent, Implementation & Impact

We are in the process of developing our Intent, Implementation & Impact documents for each subject area. Please check back soon for further information.

Knowledge Progression


Skills Progression


Vocabulary Progression

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  • admin@churchfields.wilts.sch.uk