On Wednesday 5th May, KS2 will be exploring the village aspart of our WOW day for our current geography topic Pleasecould children wear school uniform tops and comfortableshoes and trousers appropriate for walking. A backpack tocarry a drink and a snack will also be needed 
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Wednesday 21 April As you know we are learning all about the exciting lives of dinosaurs, to properly launch our topic we are planning on holding a WOW! day on Wednesday 21 April.  As is tradition we dress up for the occasion and pull out 
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Our amazing children have been achieving more certificates again this week. Well done to all Gem and Pupils of the week. See you all in January
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Please see the following information for notifying us if your child has tested positive for COVID-19 within 48 hours of 18 December 2020
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Churchfields The Village School has been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark – Gilt Award. (2020-23). Just 160 schools gained the award this year and being awarded additional Gilt status on top makes us all feel extra proud of the achievement. This is a prestigious 
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Dear parents, The staff have been working incredibly hard over the Easter holidays. They have been putting together additional worksheets and booklets for you and your children to use during school closures. We are very proud of what we have achieved and at the heart 
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Parents whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response Dear Parent/Carer,  Firstly, thank you for your patience. This is an uncertain time for everyone and we appreciate the school community pulling together whilst awaiting news from central and local government. I am pleased to be 
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Dear Parent/Carer, Following yesterday’s announcement by the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Education, I can confirm that Churchfields will be closed from Monday 23rd March until further notice. The school and its staff will comply with all requirements throughout the closure period in order to support 
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  • 01225 703026
  • admin@churchfields.wilts.sch.uk