Churchfields’ Governing Body

Who’s who on our governing body.

Ed Latimer-Sayer

Chair of the Governing Body

In my role as Chair of Governors I aim to support and encourage the senior leadership team to continue to raise standards whilst maintaining the supportive and friendly atmosphere that permeates throughout the school. I’m very lucky to have an experienced and motivated team of governors to support and guide me in that task.

As a Co-Founder and Director of a small technology company since 2003, I have spent many years working within the IT industry. This includes developing and delivering large scale web projects as well as experience in QA and risk management for an ISO accredited company.

Roy Knaggs

Co-Vice Chair of the Governing Body

As a member of the governing body since the beginning of 2024, I’m fast learning the ropes of being a governor and looking forward to getting more involved as co-Vice Chair. I grew up in Zimbabwe and education is in my blood since both my parents were teachers, and were involved in setting up and building new schools in the early days of a newly independent country. I remember fondly the community that forms around a small school and am enjoying getting involved in the community that is Churchfields.

I completed my early career in management within the telecoms sector. After emigration, I worked in the insurance sector before moving into robotics product design with AB Dynamics which brought me to the Bradford on Avon area. Now with Dyson, my family and I live in a village close to Churchfields, with my daughter entering Churchfields in September 2024, with my son following in 2027.

Denise Moorhouse

Co-Vice Chair of the Governing Body

My name is Denise and I became a Governor in the summer of 2024. I am married to Brendon and we have two grown up daughters. I lived in Farleigh Wick for the last eight years, renovating a house as well as getting to know the local area has to offer.

I am looking forward to learning about what is important to staff, parents and the children and what we can do to create an even better, thriving school. I plan to focus on what I can do to build on the great work that has been done and is being done to support the development of the school.

I truly believe the early years of a child’s life are so important to build a solid foundation for their future lives. School is such an important part of their young lives and, so far, it is great to witness the dedication of the staff and governors in a shared ambition to create the right environment for our younger generation to thrive.

I have enjoyed a long career as a nurse for over 40 years which I still love. I have a particular interest in Safeguarding and so will be the safeguarding governor.

David Pritchard

Management Committee Chair

I am a parent governor and joined the Governing Board in 2020. Both of my children attend the school.

I am a qualified accountant and have been involved in advising on financial matters, forecasting and record keeping throughout my career.

I am enthusiastic about the role and hope, from observing how the school currently runs, that I can provide insights and support.

Rachel Exley

Foundation Governor

As a Foundation governor I have the same general responsibilities as other governors but I am focussed on ensuring the school retains its identity as a Church of England School.  In addition, I will support the school to prepare for its regular SIAMS Inspection (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools).  I will also encourage the school to share Christian values with every pupil through regular Collective Worship and RE teaching.

I have lived in Monkton Farleigh since 2008 and have been part of the thriving village community.  Latterly, I worked in the Public Protection team at Wiltshire Council before retiring in 2018.  

I am an active member of St Peter’s church, Monkton Farleigh and a Church Warden which involves responsibility for the day to day running of the church and supporting our Rector and ministry team in all aspects of parish life.  As part of a recent project at St Peter’s I helped with the creation of a dedicated children’s area in the church with books, crafts and toys that are available to all children who visit.

My role in the church and contact with the ministry team will help me to continue to strengthen links with the school, including facilitating special services at St Peter’s for Churchfields pupils. 

Becky Lowe

Community Governor

Catherine Wilson

Co-opted Governor

Lily-May Dunster

Parent Governor

Sarah Williams-Martin

Parent Governor

My name is Sarah Williams-Martin BEM and I became a Parent Governor at the end of 2024.  

I am a mum of 3 and one of my children currently attends Churchfields.  I am also a Solicitor and Higher Court Advocate.  I have experience in safeguarding and qualifications in management.   

I am Chair of a charity linked to a local GP surgery focusing on health and wellbeing, so I am really keen to help progress the general health and wellbeing of children in the locality.  I also have a high level of knowledge of the EHCP process for those children with SEND needs.

I am excited to learn from the very experienced team that is already in place, and I am excited to see what I can do to help this amazing school in the future.

Maria Genner

Staff Governor

Georgie Croker

Co-opted Governor

Heather Saunders

Head of School

Simon Futcher

Executive Headteacher

I have had the enormous privilege of being the headteacher at Churchfields since 2014. I have worked in a number of schools and taught every primary age group from nursery to year six, and my previous roles have included leading a number of curriculum areas, Key Stages as well as deputy headship.

I have also served as a governor in three schools for a total period of eighteen years so am fully aware that the relationship between the governing body and headteacher is pivotal for ensuring the ongoing success of any school. This takes the form of the governing body being a ‘critical friend’ to support yet challenge me and other senior staff, and ensure Churchfields provides the best possible education for our pupils.

Binky Clark

Clerk to the Governing Body

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