Churchfields’ Governing Body

Who’s who on our governing body.

Ed Latimer-Sayer

Chair of the Governing Body

In my role as Chair of Governors I aim to support and encourage the senior leadership team to continue to raise standards whilst maintaining the supportive and friendly atmosphere that permeates throughout the school. I’m very lucky to have an experienced and motivated team of governors to support and guide me in that task.

As a Co-Founder and Director of a small technology company since 2003, I have spent many years working within the IT industry. This includes developing and delivering large scale web projects as well as experience in QA and risk management for an ISO accredited company.

Emily Cadwallader

Vice Chair of the Governing Body and Member of the Management Committee

I joined the governing body in late 2020 and currently hold the Vice Chair role.

My two children are part of the school community and have thrived at Churchfields. As a governor I am keen do what I can to help all pupils feel inspired to learn, grow and be the best they can be. I have a strong motivation to ensure the school continues to thrive, grow and meet the needs of the school community, staff and other stakeholders.

I have 20 years’ experience as an HR leader in large organisations and a passion for learning, inclusion and helping others reach their potential. I am now a business owner and run an HR and Coaching consultancy.

Rev Jane Palmer

Ex-Officio Foundation Governor 

It has been a great joy to take on the role as Vicar here in Atworth and Shaw. Before Ordination I taught Secondary school RE, then desiring a more pastoral and supportive role I trained in Advice and Guidance and worked with what was the Connexions service for several years, supporting teenagers who needed additional support to overcome obstacles in their education and employment opportunities.  When this service ended and morphed into local authority roles I continued to support young people with support around education, employment and training, in addition supporting a caseload of young people in school with SEND, advocating for them and ensuring they could access post 16 provision.

I am passionate about young people and helping them to thrive, especially if they have additional needs.  It is deeply Christian to love our neighbour and see potential in everyone as a Child of God.  In my role as Governor these values come to life and I am so excited to support Churchfields School in this role and build the relationship between the school and St Michaels where we hope the children will have lots of fun and have the opportunity to consider the bigger questions of life.

David Pritchard

Management Committee Chair

I am a parent governor and joined the Governing Board in 2020. Both of my children attend the school.

I am a qualified accountant and have been involved in advising on financial matters, forecasting and record keeping throughout my career.

I am enthusiastic about the role and hope, from observing how the school currently runs, that I can provide insights and support.

Suzanne Gray

Educational Standards Committee Chair

Maria Genner

Member of the Educational Standards Committee

Georgie Croker

Member of the Educational Standards Committee

Simon Futcher


I have had the enormous privilege of being the headteacher at Churchfields since 2014. I have worked in a number of schools and taught every primary age group from nursery to year six, and my previous roles have included leading a number of curriculum areas, Key Stages as well as deputy headship.

I have also served as a governor in three schools for a total period of eighteen years so am fully aware that the relationship between the governing body and headteacher is pivotal for ensuring the ongoing success of any school. This takes the form of the governing body being a ‘critical friend’ to support yet challenge me and other senior staff, and ensure Churchfields provides the best possible education for our pupils.

Robert Beesley

Clerk to the Governing Body

Robert is the clerk to governors at a number of primary schools, within Wiltshire and the Bath&Wells Trust.

This provides good opportunities for sharing resources and good practise.

The role involves planning and recording the discussion and decisions at meeting, providing advice on governance and training and liaison between the local authority, the Diocese, governors and the school.

It is a very interesting job, aiming to help the governors support the school and the valuable work of the paid staff.