Individual School photos

We have booked Tempest Photography for Tuesday 10 September to come and take individual school Photos. The photographer will be at Atworth base following morning registration and will then go to Monkton Farleigh base. Siblings can have their photos taken together.

WOW! Day

KS2 will be at the Atworth base taking part in a codebreaking workshop to launch their new topic on WW2. There is a voluntary contribution of £3.50 per child to supplement this. KS1 will be starting their 'Superheroes' topic at the Monkton Farleigh Base where 

Parents’ Evening

3:15 – 5:45pm – Monkton Farleigh 3:30 – 6pm – Atworth Please sign up for a slot on the sheets that will become available at both bases. We do encourage all parents to attend. Mr Futcher will be at the Monkton Farleigh base on Monday