Proud, happy learners at the heart of the community

At Churchfields we strive to nurture every child, and provide firm foundations for our children to become confident, independent learners. Churchfields provides the highest standard of education within a safe and caring environment that’s underpinned by Christian values.

British Values

We endeavour to provide a broad and balanced curriculum to ensure that the school promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for other people of all faiths, and those of no faith.

We encourage pupils to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the law of England, to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative and understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those in the locality and to society more widely. We ensure that all pupils in school have a voice that is listened to, demonstrating how democracy works by actively promoting democratic processes, such as the School Council, whose members are voted for by the pupils.

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  • 01225 703026