More Able Pupils

We believe in providing the best possible provision for pupils of all abilities. We plan our teaching and learning so that each child can aspire to the highest level of personal achievement. The purpose of this policy is to help ensure that we recognise and support the needs of those children in our school who have been identified as ‘more able’ and ‘most able’.  We believe that all children under our care are special in their own way and have areas they do well in and that our role is to foster this ability to ensure it grows throughout the children’s school career.

At Churchfields, we define ‘more able’ pupils as those who achieve at a level above average, typically in the more academic subjects, with the ‘most able’ defined as those who have abilities in one or more subjects in the statutory school curriculum. The most able have the capacity for, or demonstrate, high levels of performance in a subject area and includes children who are leaders or role models and who display outstanding leadership and/or social skills.

‘Gifted & Talented’ is a term no longer officially used. It previously referred to a child who excelled in one or more specific fields.  ‘Gifted’ referred to academic ability, and ‘talented’ referred to artistic, musical and physical abilities.  Some organisations and agencies may still use these terms.

Approximately thirty percent of our pupils will be considered ‘more able’ with ten percent overall considered the ‘most able’. Provision will be made for these children within the normal class teaching, but we will provide enrichment or extension activities to develop their abilities further where appropriate.

We offer a range of activities to address these pupils’ needs, including:

  • Provision of frequent open-ended extended writing opportunities centred around a range of challenging fiction and non-fiction texts.
  • Challenging open-ended investigations in which children apply their knowledge and understanding.
  • Pupils taking lead roles in the Churchfields Performing Arts Club and productions.
  • Various musical instrumental lessons, including piano, singing, and woodwind, with the opportunities to showcase their achievements in school concerts – which parents and staff are invited to attend.
  • A range of sports clubs, including football, gymnastics, fencing, and cricket. PE lessons in school are led by qualified and experienced external providers who also work with staff to develop their teaching skills.
  • Securing supplemental external educational provision designed specifically to enhance the in-school learning our more able pupils experience.

While we recognise and cater for these particular categories of children in our school, at the same time we respect the right of all children, irrespective of differences in ability, to access various areas of learning, both for their self-fulfilment, and for their eventual development into active and responsible adults.

We pride ourselves in being a member of the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) and tap into their expertise to support the most able pupils at Churchfields with good quality teaching & learning strategies, regular comprehensive staff training and resources. Our in-house champion for these pupils is Mrs Maria Genner. She actively promotes the interests of more able pupils within Churchfields and ensures the school continues to develop this key provision using proven-effective national strategies.

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